Short Bio
I started out as such a sweet, innocent kid…What the hell happened to me?
I was born in the early 80′s and grew up in Southern California, doing what most Asian kids were doing throughout their young scholastic careers — Studying. My life consisted of basketball (Go Lakers!), video games, and my wonderful family. I attribute all things good in me from my parents, brother, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and Filipino “family” that I’ve had generously influence my life. Most of my upbringing happened in Simi Valley, CA.
I enlisted in the US Navy as a nuclear machinist mate in 2000 and had the distinct pleasure of working on nuclear submarines. I’ve been stationed in South Carolina, New York, Hawaii and San Diego. All of those cities have a special place in my heart between the people, the food and…the food.
After the Navy, I bounced around schools and became a nurse. So if you’re wondering, I still maintain my license and can legally practice.
In 2009, I met my unbelievably beautiful and talented wife, Tiana. Five months later, we got married in Bali.
There have been quite a few bumps (ask me about the motorcycle and/or my broken foot) along the way, but that smile you see on my face is pretty much there 98% of the time.
Paul de Leon